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What is PBIS?

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports is a system of recognizing, encouraging, and rewarding the positive behavior of students at Oak Grove Middle School.  Students who follow a set of school-wide expectations for all areas of the school (classroom, hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, morning areas, library, etc.) receive recognition in the form of various rewards throughout the school year.


Students are without a doubt, the top priority of the faculty and staff at Oak Grove Middle School. We are here to provide the best education that we possibly can.  An added responsibility that we consider fundamental in our student’s success, is helping them attain certain valuable life skills.

What are expectations?

Expectations are behaviors that are expected from all students.  For example, we are expected to throw all trash into a trash can.  It is an expectation, so that is what we do.

Why do students need rewards?

Rewards are intended to encourage positive behaviors, and ultimately decrease negative behaviors.  Teachers give daily and weekly rewards in the form of verbal praise, daily Class Dojo points, daily break, bell work or homework passes, Warrior Bucks, movies, fun Fridays, 6th grade field trip, and school-wide rewards.

What are Warrior Bucks?  

Warrior Bucks are small tickets that are awarded by teachers when students meet expectations. The tickets are collected at certain points for classroom rewards and school-wide rewards.      

PBIS Expectations (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports):

This is a school-wide positive behavior plan.

  1. Be Responsible.
  2. Be Respectful.
  3. Be Ready.


PBIS / Team Rules:

1.  Stay on task. 

·      Work from bell to bell.

·      Work hard.

·      Complete all classwork.

·      Use time wisely.

·      Follow directions.

·      Have your required materials everyday.

·      Be prepared everyday.

2.  Always show appropriate behavior inside and outside of the classroom.

·      Be respectful toward adults and other students.

·      Remain quiet at all times.

·      Raise hand to speak.

·      Stay in seat.

·      Nice language only.

·      Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

·      Use cell phones and other electronics only when given permission.

·      No gum, sunflower seeds, food, or drink without permission. (Water is allowed.)

·      Follow all handbook rules and policies (OGMS and District).

3.  Transition appropriately.

·      Remain quiet at all times.

·      Walk in a line on the right side of the sidewalk/hall/walkways.

·      Remember the hands-off policy.

4.  Complete homework.

·      Write homework, scheduled test dates, and projects in your planner.

·      Turn homework in on time.

PBIS Rewards:

Students will receive daily points for following the rules, working hard, appropriate behavior, and "going the extra mile!" These points will be recorded on Class Dojo (a computerized positive classroom management program).  Each Friday, students will receive one Warrior Buck for each point earned that week.  Warrior Bucks may be traded for various rewards throughout the school year.  Some examples are:

1.  Fun Friday instead of AR (30 Warrior Bucks)

·      Cell phone/electronic games (No social media)

·      Bring an individual snack/drink

·      Extra computer time

·      Appropriate music with headphones/ear buds

·      Take your shoes off

2.  Movie (30 Warrior Bucks)

3.  Special art projects (30 Warrior Bucks)

4. Purchase a snack (15 Warrior Bucks)

5.  School-wide rewards like extra breaks, refreshments, dances, games, All A's rewards, Warrior Club rewards, and the 6th grade field trip (Criteria to be announced as these events are planned)



Your child is expected to behave appropriately for a school setting. In the event of any disruption, our team will use the following ladder, which will start back over at the beginning of each 9-week term (with the exception of severe disruption).  Teachers will subtract1 point from Class Dojo for each offense.  (Points start over each week to allow for more rewards.)

  1. First offense – verbal warning
  2. Second/Third offense – break detention
  3. Fourth offense - break detention, parent phone call
  4. Fifth/Sixth offense – break detention, short forms (written warnings)
  5. Seventh offense – break detention, parent conference
  6. Eighth offense or more - long form (office discipline referral)

** In the case of a severe disruption, we will go directly to a long form (office discipline referral).


By Angela Walters

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