About STEM Club
5 months ago
OGMS STEM Competition Club
The specific purposes of this organization are to:
develop, through individual and teamwork, the ability of members to plan, organize, and use a variety of resources to solve problems.
explore STEM and develop an understanding of STEM literacy.
promote high standards of learning through curricular resource activities.
encourage students in expressing creativity.
provide career opportunity information pertaining to a broad range of occupations, including training requisites, working conditions, salaries or wages, and other relevant information.
provide exploratory experiences in classrooms and laboratories, and develop partnerships in business or industry to acquaint students with career opportunities.
assist in providing guidance and counseling for students enrolled in STEM classes in making informed and meaningful career choices.
expose students to the responsibility of representing a school or team
instill desirable work habits and attitudes toward the positive way of life in students and foster a deep respect for the dignity of work.
prepare individuals for enrollment in advanced or highly skilled vocational and technical education programs.